Mission Statement, Organizational Purpose and Guiding Principles


Mission Statement

Empower Edmonds to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050,
strengthen resilience to climate change, and inspire a sustainable and equitable future for all.

Organizational Purpose

The CAB’s purpose is to advise, support, aid implementation, and monitor progress of Edmonds’ Climate Action Plan, ensuring it aligns with regional efforts and climate science.  Recognizing that greenhouse gas emissions reduction alone is insufficient, the CAB also emphasizes the importance of climate resilience and equity, and the need to align all City policies, projects and permitting with its current and future climate plans.  In order to ensure that all plans are successfully implemented in a timely and efficient manner, the CAB advocates for:

  • The hiring of a Climate Action Manager, with funding secured through grants.

  • The appointment of a Climate Commission, and providing input to its structure, recruiting, and scope of charter.

Guiding Principles

1. Advocate to make climate mitigation, resilience and equity a priority in our City’s government and community.

2. Engage residents through education, advocacy, and awareness initiatives.

3. Collaborate with regional partners to share strategies and best practices.

4. Research and maintain a repository of climate information, and track local and regional progress.

5. Develop and support implementation of actionable projects aligned with Edmonds’ climate goals.

6. Secure Funding through grants and other sources to support CAP targets.

7. Inform the community annually on CAP progress through transparent reporting.

8. Assist the City in developing codes and ordinances that support climate goals.

9. Encourage the early adoption of climate planning elements and implementation actions that will be required by State law for Edmonds in 2029.