Research and References

Two presentations on January 16: Dr.Patrick Barnard’s on the CoSMoS tool and Greg Ferguson’s on Sea Level Rise
Click to see the recording of both HERE.

Backyard Bird Counting in Edmonds and County
By Alan Mearns

Three billion North American birds have disappeared since 1970, per 2019 reports, drawing on multiple studies of declining bird populations in North America since 1970. The figures were published in Science magazine (
The scientific literature is full of studies documenting the changes and exploring causes. Among them are climate change-related weather extremes, pesticides, development, feral cats and disease outbreaks. Read more HERE.

Progress and Concerns Surface at Underwater Park
By Bruce Higgins

The Edmonds Underwater Park is a marine protected area established in 1970 and expanded to its current size of 27 acres in 1975. This City of Edmonds park is the home of various diving features as well as some significant native ones, like open sand substrate and eelgrass beds. The Underwater Park is cared for by a volunteer stewardship diving group. Read more HERE.

Shoreline’s Miyawaki Urban Forest
By Georgina Armstrong

The idea for what is also called a “Tiny Forest” was first conceived in the 1970s by Akira Miyawaki, who was a Blue Planet Prize-winning Japanese botanist. Read more HERE.

Be Prepared for a Power Failure
By Georgina Armstrong

Are you adequately prepared for a longer than normal power failure? One that may last days instead of hours? The good news is that if you are, that’s great! It’s also good news that if you aren’t, then you have time to check out what you do have, and add some important items to your emergency supplies. Read more HERE

Tips on taking Climate Action
By Georgina Armstrong

Some lesser-known tips on doing your part for Climate Action. HERE.